A team-based approach to delivering optimal healthcare, taking the guesswork out of prescribing antibiotics, and helping patients receive the right medications at the right time.

Antimicrobial Resistance: A Worldwide Crisis

The rapid emergence of resistant bacteria is occurring worldwide, endangering the efficacy of antibiotics. This crisis has been attributed to the misuse and overuse of antibiotics. The CDC and other organizations and experts recommend improving microbial identification and optimizing therapeutic regimens, among other actions, to combat this current crisis. As often as 50% of the time, antibiotics are being prescribed either unnecessarily or incorrectly. Statistics say we are at a critical level of  overuse of Carbapenems in our clinics and hospitals, the need to preserve these lifesaving antibiotics are essential to our survival against harmful bacteria. These findings highlight the need for quick and accurate pathogen identification, as well as the use of genetic markers for antibiotic resistance detection. Our expert therapeutic guidance will help preserve the effectiveness of antibiotics for many generations to come. This is our commitment in providing the best individualized Antibiotic Stewardship program to you and your patients.



Infections annually in us*








*2019 AR Threats Report from the CDC

Introducing ATA

Getting Antibiotics Right the First Time

Optimizing physician's time at point of care for better patient outcomes.

  • ATA specializes in real-time qPCR molecular laboratory interpretations.
  • Highly trained molecular pharmacist review each report to provide customized therapy guidance. 
  • Linking resistance gene to the bacteria impacting the infection site is critical to therapy success.
  • The ATAReport is designed to guide therapy around your ESBL and AmpC challenges.
  • Multiple organisms and multiple resistance genes therapy specialists.
  • The ATA guidance is not an empirical reference resource, but actual therapy plans for the provider to choose from saving the provider time and providing analysis on each report.

Therapeutic guidance paired with superior molecular diagnostic tools will optimize patient outcomes, reduce hospital admissions, and significantly improve antibiotic stewardship. 

ATA versus Competitor

Competitor ATA
Use culture and sensitivity pharmacology databases Custom proprietary formulary
Empirical treatment recommendations Targeted treatment recommendations
Antibiotics based on one pathogen Antibiotics to cover all pathogens
Base the drug recommendations on Qualitative Detection Base drug recommendations on Semi-Quantitative dectection
False Antibiotic Stewardship True Antibiotic Stewardship
AI generated algorithms Real Molecular Pharmacist
Lack of clinical based therapy recommendations Addition of Clinical data into target therapy
No peer review Peer-to-Peer review
One shoe fits all - lacks patient specific dosing Patient specific dosing

What Sets Us Apart

ATA provides the most comprehensive molecular PCR analysis in the country. Our patent-pending, proprietary process delivers true antimicrobial stewardship customized to each patient. Therapeutic resistance gene guidance applied to the specific bacteria at the site of the infection to show clinical relevance to the infection will significantly improve patient outcomes, reduce hospital admissions, and eliminate use of wrong antibiotics.

The rise in antibiotic resistance dictates the necessity of a
new approach to prescribing antimicrobial therapies. The logic behind old schools of thought, where one pathogen is responsible for the infection and one antimicrobial can “cure” it, is outdated. Our patent-pending, clinical process and utility method takes the guesswork out of prescribing antibiotics. The ATAREPORT™ report customizes therapeutic guidance with your patient population in mind.

Quantitative PCR
data differentiates pathogenic organisms from noninfectious organisms, which is vital for providing true antibiotic stewardship for targeted patient therapy. To protect our precious supply of available antibiotics, diagnostic tools must yield better than simply “positive” or “negative” results.

ATAReport has addressed the challenges of ESBL gene and AmpC  genes into our guidance to help preserve our precious carbapenems with real therapy work arounds. We are your ESBL experts. Our mission at ATA is to take empirical guessing out of prescribing antibiotics for infectious disease.

Experience the ATA Difference

Use our 12-step method to get it right the first time.

RX Hotline: 855-742-7635 | Business Lines: 479-531-0366

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